Easy Chili Recipe With Kanji by Sonia Goyal

Easy Chili Recipe with Kanji from Indian Cuisine

Green chili pepper with kanji (कांजी वाली हरी मिर्च) is an easy chili recipe from Indian cuisine. It is a kind of instant chili pickle eaten in Rajasthan in all seasons.

Here the word Kanji refers to a sour water prepared by mixing salt and black mustard powder.

Birdseye green chili peppers are boiled in water and then slit to stuff. A stuffing mixture is made by salt, red chili powder and black mustard powder which is stuffed in boiled green chili peppers.

These stuffed chili peppers keep immersed in boiled water for few hours to make this easy chili recipe.

Though the recipe has short shelf life but it is very popular chili recipe in Rajasthan.

Scroll down to see this delicious and easy chili recipe with video.

Easy Chili Recipe With Kanji by Sonia Goyal
Print Recipe
Servings Prep Time
250 gm 0 minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
10 minutes 10 minutes
Servings Prep Time
250 gm 0 minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
10 minutes 10 minutes
Easy Chili Recipe With Kanji by Sonia Goyal
Print Recipe
Servings Prep Time
250 gm 0 minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
10 minutes 10 minutes
Servings Prep Time
250 gm 0 minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
10 minutes 10 minutes
Servings: gm
Easy Chili Recipe With Kanji - Video:
Easy Chili Recipe With Kanji - Step by Step Instructions:
  1. Put green chilies in a vessel, pour water and boil it.
  2. When green chilies become soft, then switch off the flame and take out green chilies from water.
  3. Mix all the spices in a separate bowl.
  4. Slit the boiled green chilies and stuff with spices.
  5. Put all the stuffed green chilies in a jar and pour the water used to boil the chilies.
  6. Close the lid of the jar and place it at cold and dry place.
  7. Your tangy green chili pepper with kanji will get ready to eat in 3 hours.
  8. You can keep it in refrigerator to use it till 7 days.
Recipe Notes

See also:

  1. Panchamrit Recipe
  2. Cucumber Sandwich Recipe
  3. Dhaniya Panjiri Recipe
  4. Sabudana Khichdi Recipe
  5. Paneer Pakora Recipe

Enjoy Rajasthani easy chili recipe with Kanji at home and write me your comments and queries in the comment area below.

Author: Sonia Goyal
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  1. Pingback: Stuffed Chili Recipe From Indian Cuisine with Video By Sonia Goyal

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