9 Most Useful Benefits of Exercise To Live Longer and Healthier

What Are the Benefits of Exercise

I always suggest doing regular exercise in my almost all articles, apart from taking nutritional foods (protein rich foods etc.) and vitamins.

Today, I will reveal the most useful benefits of exercise which you can not get by taking nutritional foods or vitamins.

In my last post “5 Mistakes Responsible For Weight Gain“, I gave more emphasis on exercise. In short, I cleared one fact about benefit of exercise in that post.

Now, as you understood the above fact very clearly, you might also understood the importance of exercise. So, if you are planning to make an exercise plan for you, give your attention to following benefits of exercise :

1. Benefits of Exercise For Muscular System

First most useful benefit of exercise is that it keep muscular system active and healthy.
What Benefits you get by exercise for your muscles
Some muscles in our body connects one bone to another. Some muscles forms internal organs and structures. Some other muscles form heart muscles.

All these muscles have blood supply through very thin capillaries. The function of muscle is to produce movement and force.

So, their length and shape changes with voluntary and/or involuntary signals to produce required force or movement.

  • When you do regular exercise, very good amount of blood flows in muscles. It gives full oxygen to muscle cells and wash out all toxins present in muscles. Therefore, all muscles retain their softness and pliability (the ability to change shape and length according to need) throughout the life. It keeps you away from blood pressure and blood flow related problems.
  • If you do regular exercise, your healthy muscular system will keep your all body joints fit throughout life. You may not suffer muscular diseases, i.e. sciatica, scoliosis, shoulder pain, knee pain, cervical spondylosis, back pain etc.
  • Also, your internal organs muscles and internal muscular structures will keep working properly throughout the life. It keeps away you from heart diseases, digestive troubles, diabetes, acidity etc.

2. Benefits of Exercise For Skeletal System

Second most important benefit of exercise is that it keeps skeletal system healthy.
So Many Benefits of Exercise  For Bones
Our skeletal system is made of bones. One of the most important function of bone is that it manufactures blood cells or the blood.

May be you do not remember this. I would like to recall that the bone marrow make blood cells by cell division process.

Now, bones distributes the fresh blood to body and get return supply of blood with nutrients via blood vessels. So, when you do exercise :

  • Bones get good supply of blood and nutrients, which make them stronger and healthy.
  • Bone cells get full oxygen by which good amount of bone marrow and blood is produced.
  • Nerves send proper signal for proper fragmentation of large cells in bone marrow to produce platelets.

Now you may have understood well the benefits of exercise for skeletal system.

3. Benefits of Exercise For Circulatory System

Third most important benefit of exercise is that it takes care of your circulatory system.
Golden benefits of exercise for blood circultiion
Our circulatory system circulates blood and lymph throughout the body. This way, it sends nutrients to whole body. It regulates the heat of body and protects the body against illness.

Benefits of exercise are directly related to blood circulation because as soon as we start doing exercise the flow of blood increases. This increment of blood flow is very  good for health.

So, when you do exercise :

  • Nutrients flows throughout the body properly. It gives overall nourishment to body.
  • It regulate the heat of body. Therefore, you keep away of many diseases such as high blood pressure, low blood pressure, insomnia or sleeplessness etc.
  • Regular exercise keeps body’s immune system most active. Therefore you are very much less prone to get infection and other diseases.

4. Benefits of Exercise For Nervous System

A very important and useful benefit of exercise is that it keeps the messaging system or nervous system of body in healthy state.
The ultimate benefits of exercise for nervous system
Nerve is a connective tissue which transmits messages throughout the body. The nerve cells creates electrochemical impulses that travels through the body. These impulses delivers signals for particular actions or internal processes.

Doing exercise regularly gives following benefits :

  • The nerve tissues and cells get full supply of blood and oxygen. It keeps them capable to produce electrochemical impulses effectively.
  • Exercise also keep the system of impulse movement perfect. Therefore, you keep away from nervous system related diseases, i.e. numbness in hands or legs, sciatica, urine retention etc.

5. Benefits of Exercise For Digestive System

Your digestion is your best friend and exercise keep it perfect.
Unique Benefits For Digestive System By Exercise
Our digestion system prepares food for absorption and for use by all cells of body. It modifies the eaten food to suitable chemical compositions and physical state.

All the elements of digestive system, i.e. mouth, esophagus (food pipe), stomach and intestines are nothing but muscle tissues. They gets blood supply via circulatory system and receives messages via nervous system. I already told you above the benefits of exercise for these two systems.

Now, when you do exercise, your digestive system get proper blood supply and messages to digest food. So, you get following benefits :

  • Your gums, teeth and facial muscles work properly to churn the eaten food.
  • Your mouth make good amount of saliva for first digestion in mouth.
  • Your liver and gallbladder make good and proper amount of bile juice at proper time to digest food.
  • Food is digested in your stomach properly.
  • After that, it is further digested in intestines properly to gives you required energy.

It keeps you away throughout life from digestive diseases such as constipation, acidity, indigestion etc.

6. Benefits of Exercise For Urinary System

The good news is that exercise keep urinary system healthy.

Keep your Urinary System perfect by benefits of exercise

Kidney, Ureters, Bladder and Urethra are the organs related to Urinary system. The function of Urinary system is to maintain homoeostasis or steady internal environment of body.

The another function is to filter and eliminate wastes and harmful substances that are present in liquid form in body.

Kidneys also do one more job. It determines composition of blood. We think that blood composition depends upon what we eat. But it is not true. It depends on what blood composition kidney keeps.

Therefore when you do regular exercise :

  • You get benefit that your internal environment becomes steady. So that you can live longer and healthier.
  • Your body flush out harmful liquid waste from body to keep you more healthy.
  • Your Kidneys determine very good composition of blood which is utmost essential for overall health.

It keeps you away from renal diseases such as kidney stones, urine infections, urine retention etc.
So, keep your external as well as internal environment healthy by regular exercise.

7. Benefits of Exercise For Respiratory System (Breathing System)

Respiratory system is the lifeline of the body. Regular exercise increase life of your lifeline, the respiratory system or the breathing system.
Respiratory System - Exercise Benefits
Nose, Pharynx, Larynx, Trachea (windpipe), Bronchi (divided end of windpipe that connects to lungs) and Lungs are the organs related to Respiratory system.

You all know that how much important is respiratory system for body. But you may not exactly know the functions of respiratory system.

Let me tell you in short. It complete these 3 functions in these 3 phases :

  1. Exchange gases between blood and air
  2. Transport gases between the lungs and tissues
  3. Exchange the gases between blood and tissues

When you do exercise, your breathing speeds up. Your blood starts to flow with high speed in body and give following benefits :

  • Blood and air in body becomes purified completely by :  (a) exchanging gases between blood and air, (b) expelling out harmful gases
  • Purified gases are transported perfectly between lungs and tissues. They make and keep them healthy for long time.
  • Blood and tissues exchange these purified gases more effectively to nourish the whole body.

This way regular exercise gives you many benefits equivalent to benefits of Pranayama (breathing exercise). You also stay away from respiratory diseases such as bronchitis(See our video on bronchitis remedies), rhinitis, lung collapse etc.

8. Benefits of Exercise For Reproductive System

In our lives we do least care of our reproductive system. But it will be interesting for you to know that the regular exercise keep your reproductive system healthy.

The function of reproductive system is to produce a new individual and to produce certain hormones. The reproductive organs are located in pelvic area of body.

This area is a complex cavity created by hip bone, leg bones and end of spine. Muscles cover this cavity and enclose reproductive organs.

When you do exercise then reproductive system get nourishment in following ways :

  • The muscles covering the pelvic cavity get full supply of oxygenated blood. It keeps these muscles soft and pliable. Therefore the shape of pelvic cavity never distorts. Hence the physical pressure on reproductive organs becomes normal and they work well throughout life.
  • The reproductive organs get good supply of blood and nutrients. It keeps them healthy.
  • The reproductive organs get proper messages from nerves. It keep their working perfect.

This way you keep away from reproductive diseases such as vulvodynia, prostate enlargement etc.

9. Benefits of Exercise For Endocrine System (Glands)

Generally we are not aware that exercise is beneficial for our glands or not. Yes, exercise is beneficial for our glands.
Our glands pour their secretions directly into blood or into cavities inside body. They also extract substances from the blood and synthesize them into new compounds (i.e. hormones, breast milk etc.) which have entirely different actions.
When we do exercise, all body functions speeds up. At that time, the endocrine system becomes active to fulfil the needs of body. This activation gives following benefits :

  • Glands remain active for long life and hence keep all your body systems active and healthy.
  • Blood is synthesized in hormones etc. regularly and perfectly. It again gives good health to body.
  • Perfect secretions from glands goes to blood and cavities. It again provide healthy internal environment to the body.
  • Supply of purified blood to glands make them healthy for long life.

So, you stay away from endocrine diseases such as thyroid disease.

Outline Summary : Benefits of Exercise

You can again go through quickly the 9 benefits of exercise :

  1. Exercise and Muscular System : Regular exercise keep muscles soft and pliable and keep joints fit throughout life.
  2. Exercise and Skeletal System : Bones become strong and produce blood perfectly by regular exercise.
  3. Exercise and Circulatory System : Blood, lymph and nutrients flows properly in adequate amounts whole life, which empowers your immune system.
  4. Exercise and Nervous System : Regular exercise keeps fit the messaging system all over the body.
  5. Exercise and Digestive System : It perfectly modifies the eaten food to suitable chemical compositions and physical state for body use.
  6. Exercise and Urinary System : It maintain steady internal environment of body and flush out liquid wastes present in body perfectly.
  7. Exercise and Respiratory System : It increases life of your lifeline, the breathing system. Enhance exchange of gases between various tissues.
  8. Exercise and Reproductive System : Regular exercise keep reproductive organs healthy and keep levels of certain hormones appropriate in body.
  9. Exercise and Endocrine System : They properly extract substances from the blood and synthesize them into new compounds (i.e. hormones, breast milk etc.) perfectly.

So, Tell me about your experience in comment area below. What kind of  benefits of exercise you got?

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  3. Vergazo   •  

    Th’tas going to make things a lot easier from here on out.

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