5 Mistakes Responsible For Weight Gain After Achieving Flat Belly

Gained Weight After Weight Loss

In my previous article, I suggested you the tips to loose weight. If you successfully achieved your goal weight, then this is the time to care that you must not regain your weight.

Here, two questions may arise in your mind:

  • What should I do to maintain my goal weight
  • What mistakes should I avoid to prevent gain weight again

I have already covered first question in my past article and if you have missed, you can quickly go through 6 tips to maintain weight.

Here in this article, I’m answering the second question, by telling you 5 common mistakes responsible to gain weight after achieving flat belly, and hence you must avoid these mistakes.

1. Don’t Take Improper Diet

Only you know the importance of the efforts you made to loose your weight. It also tought you that your weight control is in your own hands and you can easily control it by your diet. So, you must not do a big mistake like many people do with their diet. Don’t start eating everything coming in your plate.

According to Ayurveda, you should keep eating the food that keep your “Meda (Adipose tissue)”, “Vata” and “Kapha” in balanced state. Disturbance in these 3, puts on weight again. As soon as you start eating everything, vata and kapha become disordered and they make Meda malfunction. The result is increase in your weight again.

Select Fruits That Prevent Weight Gain

So, next question is “what should not you eat?”. The answer is :

  • Don’t eat wheat flour. Wheat flour increases Meda in body. You can replace wheat flour with Barley flour. You can make chapati and other dishes with barley flour. It is also good for diabetes.
  • Don’t drink Milk because it is high in protein and increases weight. Instead, you can consume buttermilk (chaanch).
  • Don’t start eating all kind of fruits, because many fruits increases Meda. Be selective when you choosing fruit to eat. For example, you can choose banana and mangoes because they reduce Meda.
  • Avoid eating very spicy food, because it disturbs the digestive fire and hence disturbs metabolism. As soon as metabolism is disturbed, you start gaining weight. As a replacement, you can add Cumin seeds, Carum seeds, Turmeric and Asafoetida to your food, they all help to maintain weight.
  • Avoid using Ghee (clarified butter). Also avoid too oily food because it increase weight. Instead, you can prepare your food with buttermilk or a very little quantity of oil.
  • Don’t skip green leafy vegetables and vitamin A rich food. They are key to maintaining weight.

2. Do Not Reduce Exercise

Another mistake after achieving weight loss is reducing exercise. When you reduce exercise along with taking improper diet, then calorie burn becomes lesser than calorie intake. Therefore you have extra calories in your body. This extra calorie starts to reflect as weight in body again.
Therefore you must not reduce your regular exercise that played very much important role in weight loss for you. Simplest exercise you can do is, rotate your all body joints 10 times in all directions they move.

Don't Stop Exercise Otherwise You Will Gain Weight

3. Do Not Stop Walking

Third biggest mistake is that you skip walking. Walking plays a major role in controlling not only weight but overall health also. By walking, all kind of muscular pumps in body becomes active. The result is filtering and elimination of garbage present in body in various forms. As soon as garbage is flushed out of body, “Meda” and all other tissues become purified. Hence you get good and healthy physic.

So, don’t skip your morning and/or evening walk. Just go for a walk. Start with a round of 1/2 to 1 km walk and increase it upto 5 km gradually. You will notice that your weight is under your control. Another benefit of walking is that it corrects high blood pressure also.

4. Don’t Go To Sleep Very Late At Night

In modern age, going to bed at very late night is common lifestyle of most people. Don’t follow this late night lifestyle. It make harmful changes to all body functions.
Human body has it’s own biological clock. When you neglect this clock, the timing of internal processes is changed. You can understand by the picture below that gall bladder and liver are most active at night from 11 pm to 3 am.

 You MayGain Weight If you Ignore Biological Clock

When you awake during this time, the brain feels that you need extra energy for late night work. So, brain sends a message to liver and gallbladder to speed up metabolic process to satisfy body need. Therefore, you feel hungry. And you start to eat late night. This results in gain weight, because you do not burn this extra calory next day.

So, avoid sleeping at late night and follow the simple rule learnt in nursery, “Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”.

5. Avoid Taking Stress

The last biggest mistake is that you start taking mental stress. When mind is in stress, it sends signal to body organs to collect more and more energy to fight against obstacles. In this case, you start eating more. But you do not spend it because stress slows down physical activity and metabolic process whereas increases mental activity highly. The result is gaining weight again after achieving weight loss.

Don't take stress or avoid stress

So avoid taking stress and follow some relaxation and meditation techniques to reduce and manage stress.

Today We Learnt About These 5 Mistakes Responsible For Weight Gain

  1. Consumption of Improper Diet
  2. Reduction In Exercise
  3. Lack Of Walking
  4. Going To Sleep Very Late At Night
  5. Taking Stress

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  1. Kavita Pillai   •  

    Ekunji is very informative and all simple and effective remedies are given. I will be greatfull if you let me know if we can hav red rice when we are trying to loose weight. Will buttermilk lead to cough & Asthama.

    • Sachin Goyal   •     Author

      Buttermilk is cold by nature (taaseer). Therefore, buttermilk should be avoided in cough and asthma. Yes, Red rice is used for weight management.

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