10 Cabbage Health Benefits Which May Amaze You

Cabbage Health Benefits Which You Did Not Know Before

These 10 Cabbage health benefits may amaze you. Cabbage is known for high amount of Vitamin K, C and dietary fiber. Cabbage is not a medicinal plant but due to it’s nutritional value it has many health benefits.

Most Useful 10 cabbage Health Benefits That You May Not Know Before

1. Promotes Regrowth of Hairs: If you are suffering from hair loss then cabbage can help you. Cabbage is rich in Vitamin C. Vitamin C is essential for health of hair. Eating approx. 50 gm. leaves of Cabbage per day promotes regrowth of hairs. Isn’t it great? That’s why I listed it in top ultimate cabbage health benefits.

Cabbage Health Benefits - Cabbage Promotes Regrowth of Hair

2. Heals Wounds Quickly : Drinking cabbage juice heals wounds quickly. If you don’t like it’s taste, then you can dilute it. Healing power of Vitamin C makes cabbage a good healer.

3. Cures Pyorrhea and Dental Problems : A very good combination of Calcium and vitamin C is found in cabbage. This combination is very good for pyorrhea and other dental problems. Eating raw cabbage is beneficial for pyorrhea and all other dental problems.

4. Insomnia (Sleeplessness) : If you are suffering from sleeplessness or insomnia, then there is a good news for you. Cabbage is good for insomnia. Eating seasoned cabbage in boiled ghee cure insomnia.

5. Urine Retention : Today urine retention is very common. You can eat cabbage in raw form or seasoned in boiled ghee. It helps to release urine and correct the urine system.

Cabbage Health Benefits - Cabbage Keep your Urinary System perfect

6. Beneficial for Kidney stones : Cabbage health benefits are known since ages. One of them is for Kidney stones. I already said above that it clears the urinary system. Kidney is also the part of urinary system. Therefore, eating seasoned cabbage gives you relief in Kidney stones.

7. Cures Peptic Ulcer : Peptic ulcer is very painful disease. But drinking cabbage juice 3 times a day for 1/2 month is very good for peptic ulcer.

8. Constipation : In my one of the past post, I suggested many home remedies for constipation. One more very good remedy for constipation is eating cabbage leaves. Yes eat them raw (like in salad).

9. Beautify skin : Believe it or not, but cabbage beautify skin. Boil the cabbage leaves in water. Then let them cool down. After that wrap your face with these leaves. It gives beauty to the skin.

Cabbage Health Benefits include beautification of Skin

10. Crack Heals : I don’t know why, but people don’t know Cabbage health benefits for feet. I said above that Cabbage has the power to heal wounds. Crack heals are small wounds. Rubbing fresh cabbage leaves on crack heals area clean out the heals and gradually fills the cracks. Don’t get astonished. It is true.

So, now you understood cabbage health benefits for whole body from head to heals.

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