Natural Remedies To Boost Immune System With Video By Sachin Goyal


Natural Remedies To Boost Immune System

This article will give you some easy and natural tips to improve your immune system (रोगप्रतिरोधक शक्ति बढ़ाने के उपचार) and easily shake off all manner of ills.

Defense system of our body has power to fight with all diseases. This power is known as immunity power of body.

Many people become sick easily because they have very weak immunity. In this case, whenever a foreign invasion (virus, bacteria, poison etc.) enters in body then immune system tries hard to stop it and eliminate it from body but it fails to do so. The infection remains in body which develops disease in body.

To boost and protect your immune system, read ahead some simple and easy home remedies for Immunity boosting.

Natural Remedies To Boost Immune System – Video

Natural Remedies To Boost Immune System – 1

Fruit juices boost up immunity very quickly.

  • Take 10 ml fresh lemon juice.
  • Add 75 ml pineapple juice and 25 ml mango juice to it and mix it well.

Combination of lemon juice, pineapple juice and mango juice

Drink it daily once a day for approximately 20 days. It boost immunity power very quickly.

Natural Remedies To Boost Immune System – 2

Curd or yogurt is very easily available and a very good natural medicine for immunity boosting.

  • Take 100 gm fresh yogurt which is not sour in taste.
  • Add little amount of water and 1 tsp honey to it and mix it well.
  • Eat it daily once a day with lunch.

Combination of yogurt, water and honey

It improves immunity rapidly within a month. Keep remember that according to Ayurveda, yogurt must not be consumed at night, in rainy season and in winter season.

Natural Remedies To Boost Immune System – 3

Ginger tea is a very good immunity booster as well as it keeps digestive system good and strong.

  • Add 7 small pieces of fresh ginger and 1/4 tsp cinnamon powder to 100 ml water and boil it properly.
  • Then sieve this tea and add 1/4 tsp fresh lemon juice to it.
  • Drink this ginger tea daily hot once or twice a day for approximately 1 month.

Ginger tea

It boosts up the immunity power of body very quickly and keeps digestive system healthy and strong.

Strong immune system of body is highly essential to live a healthy life. In low immunity conditions, the energy of body is wasted in fighting infections and it also damages body organs in many ways. The result is overall weak body.

Best ways to improve immunity is to live moderate life, doing proper exercise, yoga, breathing exercise etc., fixing a schedule for sleep and wake up and eating moderately. Apart from these, if home remedies are used in guidance of a good doctor then immunity improves very quickly and good health can be achieved very quickly.

Hope the shared natural remedies to boost immune system will help you a lot and you will get benefited.

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