Balloon Inflation Magic – Chemistry Projects For Kids

Balloon Inflation Magic - Science Projects For Kids

Science projects for kids are the routine part of their school studies. These projects help them to understand various principles of science in easy way with fun.

Balloon inflation magic with vinegar and baking soda is one of those easy science projects for kids which help them to understand the acid base reaction easily.

Kids can easily do this science experiment at home in general supervision of adults with very basic household material.

Material Required For This Science Project for Kids:

  • Balloon 1
  • Funnel 1
  • Baking Soda 2 tea spoon
  • Vinegar 300 ml

Balloon Inflation Magic Video:

Watch my following video to learn this balloon inflation magic.

Steps For This Science Project for Kids:

1. Attach your balloon with the funnel and fill baking soda in the balloon.

Balloon Inflation Magic Step 01

2. Wear safety glasses and fix your balloon’s mouth over the vinegar bottle’s mouth.

Balloon Inflation Magic - Science Projects For Kids - Step 02

3. Let baking soda go inside the vinegar bottle slowly and see the magic of this chemical reaction.

Balloon Inflation Magic - Science Projects For Kids - Step 03

4. You will find your balloon inflating rapidly.

Balloon Inflation Magic - Science Projects For Kids - Step 04

Science Behind it:

Vinegar is nothing but an acetic acid and baking soda is a base. When acetic acid reacts with baking soda, then Carbon dioxide gas released vigorously and inflate the balloon.

This entire process completes in 2 steps. You can understand these 2 steps by following chemical equations:

Step 1:

CH3COOH  (Vinegar) + NaHCO3 (Baking Soda)  –> NaC2H3O2  (Sodium Acetate) + H2CO3 (Carbonic Acid – Unstable and Further Decompose)

Step 2:

H2CO3  –>  H2O + CO2


Try this easy science project for kids and write me your feedback in comment area below.

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