Understanding Health Benefits of Landscaping


Whether you’re planting trees in your garden or simply enjoying the benefits of your neighbors’ hard work, there are many health benefits of landscaping. Many of us don’t enjoy going to the gym, but when you use a good pole saw or pick up debris from your garden, you are able to get an excellent workout while doing something that is relaxing and satisfying at the same time.

Even with spending a few minutes each day tending to your gardening activities, you will notice a difference to your overall health and wellbeing. To give you more important reasons to create and maintain your own garden, here are some amazing benefits that landscaping can offer:

1. A Healthier Diet

Each season, the health benefits of landscaping are experienced in kitchens around the world. The typical harvest seasons can provide families with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables such as pumpkins, cranberries, and apples, to name but a few.

According to a recent research study done at the University of Minnesota, some vegetables can also be left over during the winter season to ensure a steady supply of healthy foods such as cabbage, kale, collard greens, and garlic.

According to a recent research study done at the University of Minnesota, some vegetables can also be left over during the winter season to ensure a steady supply of healthy foods such as cabbage, kale, collard greens, garlic and brussels sprouts.

2. Relaxation and Mental Health


Numerous research studies have found that landscaping improves mental health and allows users to relax. Research has also shown that people who live around green spaces have reduced depression symptoms. On the other hand, individuals who live far away from green spaces can suffer from more dangerous consequences in life.

The impact of green spaces has been well documented. That’s why some of the most beautiful cities in the world have green spaces. Gardening and landscaping is, therefore, a sure way to provide a room for the relaxation and mental health of the residents.

3. Exercise

Taking care of a landscape is a good form of exercise that a lot of people enjoy. In addition to the physical benefits of maintaining a landscape, having a green landscape can provide enough room for you and your family to live a healthy life.

In addition, landscaping is a great body workout that involves stretching, weight lifting and other exercises. Even if you are not landscaping for physical exercises, a home with a good outdoor area allows plenty of family activities – which results in a more active lifestyle for you and your family.

4. Reduced Stress Levels


According to a recent study in the Netherlands, landscaping and gardening can reduce cortisol levels. Cortisol is the main stress hormone. Stress can make cortisol levels to remain high for an extended period of time. Reducing stress levels can make you more relaxed, improve the function of the immune system and ultimately, increase your productivity.


The value of landscapes on a child with ADHD is significant. It is an effective way of controlling the symptoms and interacting with the affected children. According to the University of Illinois, children with ADHD are able to concentrate much better and experience a decrease in symptoms after participating in outdoor activities. The study found that even taking a walk down a tree-lined street could improve their mood and overall wellbeing.

6. Supplies the Body with Vitamin D

Although users may enjoy a steady supply of food from their gardens, very few foods supply the body with Vitamin D. Also known as the Sunshine Vitamin, Vitamin D is mainly acquired through sunlight and helps to prevent a number of health conditions such as hyperparathyroidism, rheumatoid arthritis, and rickets in children.

7. Boosts Confidence and Satisfaction

Once the fruits and vegetables have been harvested, imagining the work that went into landscaping and gardening can fill you with a sense of accomplishment and pride. Knowing that you have developed a landscape so virtually appealing will give you a great euphoric feeling, thereby boosting your mood, confidence and satisfaction.

In addition to clean air and exercise, we all want to enjoy a beautiful view of our homes. Studies have shown that having a calming environment can lower stress levels and can reduce blood pressure.

Landscaping allows you to reconnect with nature from the comfort of your home and can be a great way to relax and boost mood. All these health benefits emphasize the importance of gardening and landscaping, including using a good fertilizer to keep your garden landscape green, lush and healthy.

About Author

Shary Saunders is a blogger at sharycherry.com. Gardening and landscaping have been her passion for years. You can find Shary on Twitter at @SharySaunders.

(Image credits: Pixabay.com and Flickr.com)

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