7 Effective Hiccups Treatment If Nothing Works in Hiccups

Hiccups Treatment - 7 Effective ways to treat hiccups at home

Many times you need effective hiccups treatment when all remedies fail. Hiccups is nothing but involuntary repeated contraction of diaphragm.

Causes of hiccups are eating spicy food, coughing, eating rapidly, emotional imbalance etc.

I collected most effective treatment for hiccups which I reveal today in this post.

These are very simple and you can do it at your home.

7 Most Effective Hiccups Treatment That You Need Indeed

1. Add 1 spoon black mustard in 250 gm. water and boil it. Strain it when it becomes lukewarm. Drink it lukewarm. It cures Hiccups.

2. Cut pieces of Onion. Sprinkle salt on it. Eat it at a gap of every hour. Your Hiccups will stop.

Hiccups treatment - Onion is very good to treat hiccups

3. Add some baking soda in a glass of water and drink it. It is very good hiccups treatment when hiccup is induced by indigestion.

4. Treat hiccups by chewing some mint leaves. Mint leaves are very good to stop hiccups when all remedies fail.

5. Take Lemon Juice with honey and rock salt. Take proportions as given below :

  • Lemon juice : 1 spoon
  • Honey : 1 spoon
  • Rock Salt : As per taste

Take it repeatedly every half an hour. It is one of the best hiccups treatment when nothing works.

6. Warm milk is another good treatment of hiccups. If you drink only hot milk whole day, then your hiccups stops surprisingly.

Hiccups Treatment - Drink Hot milk to stop hiccups

7. Eating cardamom also cure hiccups astonishingly. Cardamon has Antispasmodic properties due to which it gives instant relief from involuntary spasm. Therefore we considered it one of the best hiccups treatment when all other remedies fail.

Do You Need Some More Tips For Hiccups Treatment At Home?

Apart from the above 7 treatments I give some more tips to stop hiccups.

  1. Only drink hot water (or hot milk) whole day. It should not be very hot.
  2. Try to Stop breathing repeatedly.
  3. Keep sugar or sugar candy (mishri) in mouth).
  4. Make the person frighten suddenly.

These all tips are very helpful for hiccups treatment at home.

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