Health Benefits Of Sesame Seeds With Video by Sonia Goyal

Health Benefits Of Sesame Seeds

They’re on breads. They’re in crackers. They’re in salads. They’re the one and only ingredient in tahini sauce. And they’re present in almost any Asian dish. Yes, We are talking about a nutty flavored sesame seeds. In addition to being one of the most versatile seeds out there, they are also packed with nutritional benefits.

Sesame seeds, popularly known as ‘Til (तिल)‘ in Hindi, are probably one of the first oilseeds known to mankind. They are nutty and fragrant seed variants. Sesame plant is a flowering plant belonging to the Pedaliaceae family.

These seeds can be consumed in the raw or dried form, or even as roasted snacks. They are used as an ingredient in several cuisines. There are several varieties of sesame seeds depending on the type of cultivar such as white, black and brown seeds.

White sesame seeds have higher iron content than the black ones and are mostly used as ingredients in food or in the form of oil.

Sesame seeds include a combination of vitamins and minerals and are one of the healthiest foods in the world but are often overlooked by us. These seeds have the highest oil content among all seeds and a delicate, nutty flavor that becomes more pronounced when they are roasted under low temperature for a few minutes.

They include the ability to prevent :

Just a handful of sesame a day provides enough recommended levels of phenolic anti-oxidants, minerals, vitamins and protein. Read and enjoy the awing benefits of sesame seeds (तिल के स्वास्थ्यवर्धक लाभ).

Health benefits of sesame seeds : Video


Benefits of sesame seeds – 1

  • Roast 100 gm white sesame seeds, 50 gm carom seeds and 50 gm poppy seeds or khas-khas seeds till light pink.
  • Then crush it and make powder.
  • Take its 2 tsp daily twice a day.

It cures frequent urination very quickly.

Benefits of sesame seeds – 2

  • Take 4 tsp or 20 gm black sesame seeds.
  • Add dried dates in small pieces to it.
  • Add this mixture to 1 glass water and boil it properly.
  • After that sieve it and add 1 tsp ghee or clarified butter to it and mix it well.
  • Drink it daily hot once a day.

It gives quick  relief in Back pain.

Benefits of sesame seeds – 3

  • Take 50 ml sesame oil.
  • Add 1/4 tsp rock salt to it and boil it properly.
  • When it becomes lukewarm then do massage of this oil on swollen fingers at night.
  • Wear gloves or socks when you go to sleep.

Doing it daily cures Swollen fingers soon.

Benefits of sesame seeds – 4

  • Soak 1 tsp black sesame seeds in 1/2 cup hot water for 2 hours.
  • Then crush it in same water and sieve it.
  • Add this sesame water to 1 cup of milk at normal room temperature.
  • Also add some honey to it as per taste and mix it well.
  • Drink it daily in morning on an empty stomach.

It cures Anemia rapidly.

Benefits of sesame seeds – 5

  • Take 2 tsp white sesame seeds and add 2 tsp black pepper to it.
  • Add it to 1 glass of water and boil it.
  • Sieve this water when it remains half.
  • Drink it when it becomes lukewarm.

Drinking it daily thrice a day cures cough very quickly.

Now you know the secret goodness of sesame seeds, let’s take the benefits of this awing seed.

Note :
People who are allergic to nuts such as peanuts, walnuts, etc. must avoid sesame seeds consumption. Also it is advisable to check with your doctor if you are using sesame for the first time.


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