How to Get Heartburn Free Recipes for a GERD Diet


Heartburn, also a symptom of acid reflux termed as GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease), is a condition in which acids from the stomach rise into the esophagus. It causes a burning sensation on the chest, therefore, causing discomfort.

This condition should be prevented at all cost because the chronic type of it can cause more critical health problems. These health problems include esophageal cancer, pulmonary fibrosis and asthma that can be avoided by considering healthier diet through mindful eating and needed to be spread viral by the event GERD Awareness week.

In a case where it has already occurred drinking a lot of water can calm it down and also GERD diet is recommended. The diet consist of vegetables, cereals, fruits and dairy products that are to be taken with a few limitations below;


Milk and milk products limitations

One should take 2% low-fat milk, yogurt with no-fat and low-fat chocolate milk

Vegetables limitations

One should not take any vegetable that is fried and is creamy

Bread and grains

Should only take those made with low-fat and avoid any that was prepared with high fat or whole milk.

Meat limitations

Always take a low-fat chicken, fish, turkey and any other low-fat meat. Cold cuts, chicken fat, bacon, fatty meat, and sausage should be avoided.

Fats and oils limitations

Vegetable oils and animal fats should not be taken but if necessary, take in small amounts.

Beverage Limitations

One should take those with no caffeine and all juices except citrus.

Soup limitations

Should take low fat based chicken, cream, and milk based soup

The above diet leads us to obtain ways of coming up with heartburn free recipes for the same diet.

Reducing amount of fats to be used

When you are preparing recipes ensure that the amount of fat that you state is not at the extremes. According to research that was done by the nutritionist who came up with GERD diet, excess fats in food were found to be a major cause of acid reflux that heartburn is one of its signs.

Fatty food makes the stomach muscle to relax when it is supposed to stay tight to maintain the acid within the stomach and prevent it from flowing into the esophagus. Unfortunately, there are some foods that are impossible to prepare without using a lot of cooking oil which means excess fats. It includes potato chips, chicken nuggets, and brownies. This situation can be dealt with only by healthier diet through mindful eating as stated above.

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Avoid excess spices in your recipe

Most people tend to think that when you eat a meal that causes heartburn the main substance that is the one causing heartburn. Truly, that is a very wrong way of thinking. For example when you take a cabbage and start feeling the burning sensation it does not mean that the cabbage is the cause. It is simply the recipe that you used to prepare the cabbage that is causing the heartburn. It could be you added too many spices such as tomatoes that have been prohibited by GERD diet.

One should, therefore, avoid including too many spices in your recipes and that way you will enjoy your favorite food without necessarily totally abandoning it. When you also use fewer spices on some acidic food substances, it lowers their probability of causing heartburn. The following is one of the recipes for GERD diet; banana ginger energy smoothie.

Banana Ginger Energy Smoothie


½ a cup of ice

A cup of low-fat yogurt

Two ripe bananas

2 cups of low-fat milk

A teaspoon of grated fresh ginger


Put ice, milk, bananas, ginger and yogurt in a blender

Blend to its smoothest texture

Add sugar or honey as required


In as much as heartburn limits people from taking some food substances, there are more delicious non-acidic meals that can be taken that contain vitamins, proteins, and carbohydrates and many other nutrients. These help you to escape discomfort and remain healthy.

To avoid leaving many food substances, when you are cooking acidic food make sure you reduce fats and spices to least amounts in the recipe and after eating, take snacks to allow food to digest faster before sleeping because lying down immediately after meals cause heartburn. This is because when food is not digested faster it acts as a source of pressure in the stomach which forces the acid into the esophagus.




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