Erectile Dysfunction Treatment – Natural Remedies By Sachin Goyal

Natural Remedies for Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

Erectile dysfunction or impotence is a rapidly growing problem across the world. Though, there are many reasons of erectile dysfunction but stress, mental tension and bad lifestyle are the reasons because of which the erectile dysfunction problem is growing in males now a days.

It simply means that the erectile dysfunction treatment is easily possible with healthy lifestyle and healthy diet in most cases. Isn’t it a well known fact for you that your lifestyle and your diet affect your overall health?

Erectile Dysfunction treatment is therefore possible with natural remedies and you can again live a pleasant life.

Causes of Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence) :

Mental tension, worry, masturbation, any accident, any disease or hormonal disturbance are the main causes of Impotence.

Now let’s see easy home remedies for Impotence or Erectile Dysfunction.

Erectile Dysfunction Treatment : Video

Watch my following video to learn 3 natural remedies for erectile dysfunction treatment.



Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence) – Natural Home Remedy 1

  • Onion is one of the best medicine for impotence because it energize the sexual organs.
  • Take 1 teaspoon onion juice. Add 1 teaspoon honey in it and mix it well.
  • Taking it daily once a day for at least 1 month energize the sexual organs and cures impotence.

Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence) – Natural Home Remedy 2

  • Honey and milk has the power to cure impotence.
  • Take 1 cup of milk. Add 1 teaspoon honey in it and mix it well.
  • Drink it daily in morning for few months.
  • It increase potency, energize the sexual organs and hence cure impotence.

Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence) – Natural Home Remedy 3

  • Walnut and saffron milk is one of the best remedy for impotence. But this remedy must be used in winter season only.
  • Add 2 walnuts in a glass of milk and boil it.
  • Add 1 teaspoon sugar in it. Also add 1 pinch of saffron leaves in it and mix it well.
  • Drink it at night in winter season. You can do it upto one and half months. It cures impotence.

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  1. Root   •  


    Can you explain why masturbation is a cause for erectile dysfunction? What makes it bad for that?
    This is the fourth time I ask you as my other questions disappeared strangely from this page.

    Root recently posted…Weak Memory Natural Remedies by Sachin GoyalMy Profile

    • Sachin Goyal   •     Author

      Why masturbation is a cause for erectile dysfunction?
      It is because it generates extremely high pressure over the base of spine. The nerves originates from base of spine and govern the function of erectile tissues. Due to masturbation, those nerves has to undergo that very high pressure. And after some time, they fail to send messages to erectile tissue.
      Secondly, the erectile muscles also has to undergo this high pressure. The result is fatigue in erectile muscles and tissues.
      This way, masturbation becomes the cause of erectile dysfunction.

      • Root   •  

        Thank you for your clear answer. I have three more questions.
        1st. Are your remedies also valid for masturbation? 
        2nd. Will practicing yoga also be helpful?
        3rd. What erectile muscles meant you? 
        As far as I know, there are no muscles in a penis, only erectile tissue.
        Thanks for reply,

        • Sachin Goyal   •     Author

          1. No these remedies are not valid for masturbation.
          2. Yes practicing Yoga is helpful for such diseases.
          3. It is erectile tissue.

  2. sayid   •  


    • Sachin Goyal   •     Author

      Crush the onion in grinder and mash it pulp.

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