Banana Benefits For Health With Video by Sonia Goyal


Banana Fruit Benefits For Health

Enjoy health benefits of banana ; nature’s great fruit which itself prepackaged in their own yellow jackets and is available for harvest throughout the year.

According to U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Bananas are among the most widely consumed fruits on the planet. Adding a banana to your daily diet has an array of benefits in your body. They may be eaten in their whole form, sliced into fruit salad or mashed and added to many recipes including smoothie, shake, ice cream, muffin and bread etc.

Banana is nutritious and a wholesome fruit. It contains many nutrients including vitamins A, B, C and E along with minerals like potassium, zinc, iron and manganese. Bananas are incredibly easy to eat. They are usually well-tolerated and easily digested, and simply have to be peeled and eaten. It doesn’t get much easier than that. let’s take a quick look at the associated health benefits of banana fruit (केले के स्वास्थवर्धक लाभ).

Banana Benefits For Health : Video


Banana Benefits For Health 1 – For Stomach Ulcer

Stomach ulcers develop because of many reasons including consumption of alcohol and eating spicy food regularly.

Pro-tease present in banana helps a lot to ulcer patients.

  • If ulcer patients eat 1 banana and then drink 1 glass of cold milk daily on empty stomach, then the stomach ulcers cure rapidly.

Banana and Milk

Banana Benefits For Health 2 – For Headache

Headache is very common health problem in all age groups.

Magnesium always helps to relax our nerves, and banana is a good source of magnesium.

  • Chop 1 full ripe banana.
  • Sprinkle dry ginger powder over the banana pieces.
  • Eat it daily in day hours.

Chopped banana with sprinkling ginger powder

It relaxes the nerves; make you stress free and cure headache in few days.

Banana Benefits For Health 3 – For Wet Dreams

A wet dream is a rapidly increasing problem in young boys. Banana is a very good natural medicine for them.

  • Chop 1 full ripe banana.
  • Add 10 ml Indian gooseberry juice.
  • Also add 5 ml honey to it.

Combination of banana, gooseberry juice and honey

Eat it daily in day time to cure wet dreams problem in few days. It also increases the semen quality and boosts the energy.

Banana Benefits For Health 4 – For Constipation

Banana is rich in dietary fiber which helps to cure constipation and piles.

  • Roughly chop 2 full ripe bananas.
  • Add these chopped bananas in 150 ml milk.
  • Add 1 tsp honey and blend in a blender to make banana smoothie.

Banana Smoothie

Drink it daily in day time to get rid of constipation and piles.

Banana Benefits For Health 5 – For Healthy Heart

Banana is popularly known as a good friend of heart in medical world. It is a fiber rich food that lowers the risk of both cardiovascular disease (CVD) and coronary heart disease (CHD).

Combination of banana with walnuts is boon of nature for those who are searching for good food for healthy heart, because walnuts contain the ɑ-amino acid arginine, which offers multiple vascular benefits to people with heart disease.

  • Slice 2 full ripe bananas.
  • Add 2 fists of chopped walnuts.
  • Pour 1 tsp honey over it to make a wonderful banana salad.
  • If you don’t love honey then you can also prepare this banana salad without honey.

Banana walnut salad

Enjoy this awesome healthy banana salad daily as day time snack to keep your heart healthy.

So you have read health benefits of banana (केले के स्वास्थवर्धक लाभ) and how many different uses it can have for your health. Keep a bunch of bananas on your kitchen desk and replenish your stock each week to live a healthy life.

Also watch video for banana benefits for beauty.

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Write me your feedback and queries about general health and beauty tips in the comment area below.


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