5 Ways To Enhance Your Brain With These Diet Plans


The brain is a vital part of your being that you must protect with zeal and zest. This is because it is the part that coordinates all spheres of your life. If you think about it, it is the brain that will help you make interactions, get jobs, remember things, manage your feelings and so on.

In essence, it is the brain that will help you get through life. It is in this regard that you should endeavor to keep it at its best.

One way of promoting its function is through eating proper food. A proper diet here refers to one that will supply the brain with proteins, fats and carbohydrates that it needs to produce new cells and supply it with energy. Some of the foods you should incorporate into your diets to meet this end include:

1. Foods Rich In Proteins

Proteins are widely known for their excellent energy giving capabilities. However, they also have another feather to their cap that comes in the form of their role in the production of brain cells. Now, your brain has neurotransmitters which are its communicative channel. These neurotransmitters are usually made of amino acids from proteins you eat. Therefore, with an ample supply of proteins, your brain will have enough amino acids to produce all the neurotransmitters it requires to pass information from one point to another in a split second.

Some of the foods that will help you here include fish, eggs, and beans. All these will help increase your concentration, reduce your anxieties and improve your memory thus improving your brain performance.

2. Eat Whole Grains

The brain is one organ that works for hours on end without rest. In order to manage this, it will require a constant supply of energy. Now, because you cannot afford to keep eating every three seconds, you should find a constant source of energy.

This can be found in whole grains. These foods usually release glucose into the bloodstream gradually and in the process ensure that your brain is getting a constant supply of the nutrients it requires for it to keep running.

This way you will be able to enjoy the benefits of a sharper mind that is always alert. To get these benefits, opt for brown bread, brown pasta and other whole grain meals.

3. Eat Lots of Vegetables

As you plan your diet, remember to include all types of vegetables. This is because apart from them making up a high fiber diet, these foods will also help improve the functioning of your brain. Green vegetables like kales and spinach will help supply the brain with the B vitamins it requires to keep it away from the shrinking caused by Alzheimer’s.


On the other hand, cabbages and broccoli will aide in the healing of brain inflammation. Also remember to eat pepper as it will increase the supply of blood to the brain hence ensuring it always gets the nutrients.

4. Avocados

According to research, the kind of fats found in an avocado will help increase the flow of blood to the brain thus ensuring it is always energized. In addition, avocados will also reduce the risk of high blood pressure thus helping you keep up with your mental activities.

This is informed by the fact that high blood pressure has been known to lead to a decline in the performance in cognitive tasks. Therefore, with just a piece of avocado a day, you will be able to avert the risk of hypertension and still enhance your brain performance. However, this fruit should be taken in moderation due to its high caloric content.

5. Dark Chocolate

Now you may have thought that chocolate is only good for the heart but it is not. To the contrary, apart from gladdening the heart, chocolate will also help boost your memory due to the flanavoids it contains. This is why you should scrap dark chocolate from you list of foods just because you are on a weight loss journey. I know lifestyle news have it that you should keep fit, but what’s the need of a slim body with a useless brain?


There are numerous factors that can negatively impact on your brain causing it to malfunction. This is especially so as your age advances. However, you can be able to keep your brain healthy and sharp by observing a healthy diet that is rich in brain boosting foods. This diet should include vegetables, avocados, nuts, proteins among others. With this combination, you will be getting yourself a functional brain that will never let you down.

Video:Top 4 Healthy Foods To Include in Your Diet Plans to Boost Your Brainpower

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