Singhara Flour and Arbi Puri Recipe For Vrat
Servings Prep Time
10puri 10minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
10minutes 20minutes
Servings Prep Time
10puri 10minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
10minutes 20minutes
Singhara Flour and Arbi Puri Recipe Video:
  1. Watch the following video to learn how to make Singhara flour and Arbi puri for your Vrat.
Singhara Flour and Arbi Puri Recipe – Step by Step Instructions:
  1. Properly wash Arbi and then boil.
  2. When it comes at room temperature, peel it and mash it.
  3. Add this mashed Arbi, rock salt and finely chopped coriander leaves in Singhara flour.
  4. Knead this flour to make a tight dough. You can add small amount of water if required.
  5. Heat oil in a Kadahi or a fry pan.
  6. Make small balls from the dough and roll with rolling pin to make poori.
  7. Deep fry each poori in hot oil at low flame till light pink or brown.
  8. Serve Singhara Arbi Poori hot directly or with any falahari vegetable, raita and chutney.
Recipe Notes
  1. If you don’t eat Arbi, you can replace it with Potato (aloo).

Try this Puri recipe and write me your feedback in comment area below.